Sunday, February 7, 2010

I found a dying chipmunk in my garage, it looks injured, What should I do to try and save it?

I was finishing up yardwork and he was there laying there in my garage twitching around a little bit. What should I do?I found a dying chipmunk in my garage, it looks injured, What should I do to try and save it?
Take it to a vet immediately. Don't let precious time go by.I found a dying chipmunk in my garage, it looks injured, What should I do to try and save it?
Try to give it a couple of drops of water through a syringe (you just want to give it the tiniest bit) and if he is cold wrap him in a small blanket or towel, but make sure not to overheat him. You could add a little sugar to the water to make it more appealing and add some calories.

Call a wildlife center or animal control or something that can pick him up and care for him.
whatever u do, be very careful-they can and often do carry rabies. I would HUMANELY put it out of its misery.
go to a near by animal hospital
Kill it!!!Dont make it suffer!!!

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